Modulating Boilers
VITODENS 222-F: Gas-fired condensing technology and innovative DHW solution in compact, floor standing design. Rated input: 12 to 125 MBH
We feature the Viessemann Line. This Germany based company is a 3rd generation family owned company and has been in business for over 100 years. They are one of the largest boiler manufacturers in the world - they make more boilers in 1 week than most boiler companies make in a year. They have 12 production facilities and over 12,000 employees. They spend millions in research and development to make the best quality built products you will ever find.
Modulating/Condensing Boilers
They even offer units like the Vitodens 222 series boiler can heat your home and has a built in 26 Gallon water tank that can provide domestic hot water to home like an on demand water heater all built into one unit. This system is equal to (2) 50 gallon water heaters for the first hour flow rate. This unit Like all Viessmann boilers are condensing or modulating boilers. They have a outdoor sensor that based on the temperature outside sets the water temperature on the boiler system and vary the output of gas. The 200 and above series from Viessmann have a built in Lambda-Pro Control system which is the best of the best controls out that sets gas pressure and air mixture and makes sure the system is achieving perfect combustion at all times. If you are on natural gas there are utility rebates available for these type of systems so be sure to ask about these when we come out to give you an estimate. Contact Greg at ☎ (231) 796-3403 to learn more.
Lennox Traditional Boilers
Lennox GWB8-IE: Gas-Fired Water Boiler
A Full line of Lennox boilers such as the Lennox GWB8-IE with efficiency ratings up to 84.4% are a good cost effective reliable choice when updating your boiler. From the name you can trust to bring you a great system that is going to give you years of heating we have just the right boiler for your home.
Water Heaters
Navien NPE-210A
A.O. Smith water heaters
On Demand water heaters provide endless amounts of hot water to your home without having to heat a large storage of hot water so it makes it much more efficient. We use the Navien line which features a compact unit for tight spaces, PVC venting for flexibility energy star rated, dual stainless steel heat exchanger units, and very quiet operation.
A.O. Smith water heaters offer a full line of gas and electric water heaters - these units are sturdy, long lasting quality built units that will provide years of hot water